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Paraquat: Another Killer Pesticide

Beginning in the late 1960’s, one of the most commonly used commercial herbicides in America is a chemical known as Paraquat. Although currently banned in 32 countries, it is still used in the U.S. Sold under several names, this product has long been known as highly toxic by the E.P.A. In fact, it is so dangerous that sipping one drop may kill you, so please, do not drink!

The immediate effect is often acute respiratory distress syndrome, kidney, liver and or heart failure. A 2011 study showed that long term exposure can even lead to the development of Parkinson’s Disease. It wasn’t however until 2016 that the E.P.A. announced it would be re-evaluating use of this product.

Chemical mixers, farmers, aerial sprayers (crop dusters), flaggers, tank fillers, and those living adjacent to farms or fields that were treated with the product are groups commonly exposed to Paraquat. As a result, the earliest lawsuits commenced in 2018 against several Paraquat manufacturers. Since then, the number of individuals alleging injury due to its exposure have grown substantially.

For The Law Offices of Evan M. Ostfeld, P.A. to further investigate a claim, one must have been exposed to Paraquat for at least 2 years. If you or a loved one and have been diagnosed and or died as a result Parkinson’s Disease, the claim may be added to the pending lawsuit. Please note that an “official” Parkinson’s Disease diagnosis may not be necessary. Rather, the injured individual must at least be suffering from the following effects: tremors, other motor symptoms, prolonged/extreme stiffness, loss of balance, difficulty with body movements including walking, drooling, reduced facial expression, small handwriting, whole body fatigue, dizziness, sleep disturbances, amnesia and or anxiety. If you have questions and concerns about Paraquat, please give us a call right away; there may be compensation available as a result of this killer pesticide.

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