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Checking in on the Zantac Lawsuits

If you are among the thousands of unfortunate victims of Zantac users that ultimately developed stomach, esophageal, bladder, liver and or pancreatic cancer due to the regular use of this drug, this information is for you. The Law Offices of Evan M. Ostfeld can help take the appropriate legal steps in order to try and obtain significant financial compensation for you and or your family. Our firm cannot turn a blind eye to corporate greed and the unethical practices by “Big Pharma” that endangers public health.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that it has pulled Zantac and other prescription and over-the-counter drugs containing ranitidine from the market. According to the FDA, a contaminant called nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) was found in samples of the product that had been stored for a prolonged period of time or at higher temperatures than recommended. The Zantac lawsuits claim that ranitidine, the active molecule in Zantac, is very unstable and converts into NDMA, a carcinogen, meaning it is likely to cause cancer. Unfortunately, the medicine manufacturers did not warn the public about this deadly effect.

What compensation can you get from the lawsuits?

Although no trials have yet occurred, compensation may include economic damages, including the future and past medical expenses, and the non-economic damages, such as for pain and suffering. If their death occurs, their may also be a loss of consortium claim. Do note that Evan and his legal team can handle theses cases on a contingency basis and anywhere in the U.S.

Justice for Victims

So if you, a friend or loved one, have been diagnosed with stomach, esophageal, bladder, liver and or pancreatic cancer after taking Zantac, contact us at (866) BAD-RXRX (223-7979) for further information. Since these cases are subject to a statute of limitations and various court deadlines, filing the lawsuit right away is vital or the claim could be time barred. Mind you that the consultation is at no charge and there are no upfront attorney’s fees or costs unless there is a court award or settlement. In fact, we’ll even try to secure your medical records. Join us today as we take on the pharmaceutical magnets who have made a fortune off of your health!

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