Workers’ Compensation is a benefit that is available to nearly all employees in Florida who suffer “an injury that arose out of and in the course of their employment”. That is true whether you are a full time, part time or even seasonal worker. It is used to pay an injured person’s medical care and a portion of their lost wages. Plus, it’s at no cost to the injured employee! Although it is supposed to be a self executing system, unfortunately without an attorney, the process can be quite complex and difficult to navigate. That is why hiring of the Law Offices of Evan M. Ostfeld, P.A. is an excellent step to make sure that you’ll receive all of the benefits that an injured worker is entitled to.
In the State of Florida, companies that employ four or more people are required to maintain insurance for workers’ compensation; that requirement is only one employee if the field of employment is construction law. Workers Compensation insurance coverage is required even if you are a part-time or seasonal worker! These insurance policies can also provide workers with greater peace of mind and the knowledge that they will be protected against financial consequences for injuries or illnesses incurred on the job. In many cases, the insurance policy for workers compensation will also include liability insurance for businesses, which will provide added help in managing costs associated with workplace injuries and illnesses. The combination of coverages included in a typical workers compensation policy is designed to protect the company financially against significant financial losses that could otherwise occur.
Work related injuries typically include the items below but by no means is an exhaustive list:
Some important workers’ compensation issues that arise most often include:
Whether your Employer properly classified you as an Employee or Independent Contractor at the time of the accident? Certain unscrupulous companies try to avoid paying workers’ compensation benefits by alleging that you are not entitled to them.
Did the injury occur while you were on the job, traveling to and from it or were merely located on the employer’s premises? Typically, going and coming to/from work is not covered under the law however there are exceptions.
What Benefits are you entitled to: Lost Wages, Medical Treatment and or a Tax-Free Lump Sum Settlement? Again, you cannot always trust your job and or their insurance company to tell you the truth about everything an injured person may be entitled to; so please ask us!
Choosing Physicians and Specialists in your area. Although workers’ compensation insurance does not operate like health insurance, we can still assist in obtaining medical care.
What type of Vocational Re-Training, Education and Job Placement Assistance are available if you cannot return to your previous occupation? The State of Florida offers assistance in this regard and at no cost to the employee.
Are there any other Federal / State / Private programs that may impact the amount of your benefits, i.e. Pensions, Short / Long Term Disability Plans, Social Security Disability Benefits, Supplement Security Income, Unemployment Benefits, etc. Know all the facts about how these various programs interact with one another by contacting our office for free information.
Evan Ostfeld and his legal team are devoted to assisting his clients in working through this complicated area of the law. Our law firm shall protect your rights through all phases of the claim process, from choosing your doctors, ensuring the timely processing of the lost wages, determining the value of the claim, assessing as to whether a trial shall be necessary and or procuring a lump sum settlement if it is in your best interests. Plus we go out of our way to make sure that you are in constant contact with us, whether it by phone, email or text. Contact us today for a no obligation case evaluation Toll Free (866) I SUE YOU (478-3968), (844) 411 KING (411-5464), (954) 227-7529, Text (954) 998-0075 and or [email protected].
Below is a list of workers compensation insurance companies that our firm typically handles claims against.
Law Offices of Evan M. Ostfeld, P.A.
The Coral Springs Professional Campus
5421 N. University Dr, #102
Coral Springs, FL 33067-4638
4528 W. Vickery Blvd.
Ft. Worth, TX 76107
550 Westcott St, #570
Houston, TX 77007-5042
5401 McPherson Rd, #6
Laredo, TX 78041
409 7th St NW
Washington, DC 20004
11811 Shaker Blvd, Ste, #204
Cleveland, OH 44120-1927
1440 W. Taylor St
Chicago, IL 60607
(844) 411-KING (411-5464)
(954) 227-7529
(954) 998-0075 Text
[email protected]
Boca Raton
Chicago, IL
Cincinnati, OH
Cleveland, OH
Fort Worth, TX
Fort Myers
Fort Pierce
Houston, TX
Laredo, TX
North Miami
Port Saint Lucie
Vero Beach
Washington, DC
West Palm Beach