(844) 411-KING (411-5464)
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(954) 998-0075 Text


Workers Compensation
Texas Workers' Compensation Attorney
Help From a Texas Workers’ Compensation Attorney Following a workplace accident, a Texas injured worker might be entitled to pursue Texas workers’ compensation benefits by filing a claim with their employer’s insurance carrier. Texas however allows private employers to choose whether to participate in the state’s workers’ compensation system or to instead opt out of...
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Workers' Compensation Claim
Why Was a Workers’ Compensation Claim Denied? Workers’ Compensation insurance is required for most Florida employers and provides an important financial safety net for workers who are injured or contract occupational diseases at their jobs. Since workers’ compensation benefits are available, employees are generally not allowed to file personal injury lawsuits. The only good side...
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Being injured at work is a frightening and stressful experience especially for employees that are paid on an hourly basis. When your Employer determines the amount that you can work, one cannot afford to miss any time from the job since many companies do not even offer sick, PTO (paid time off) and or vacation...
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injured on the job
Have You Been Injured on the Job? A recent accident illustrates the dangers that certain employees face while on the job. When people are injured at their place of employment, they can typically file a workers’ compensation claim regardless of fault. Coral Springs Workers Compensation attorney Evan M. Ostfeld, Esq. at the Law Offices of...
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Workplace Injury
Steps to Take After a Workplace Injury or Occupational Illness The Florida Workers’ Compensation law mandates that most employers carry workers’ compensation insurance to protect their employees. If injuries are suffered on the job, a person may be entitled to Florida Workers’ Compensation benefits which typically provide for lost wages and or medical expenses. While...
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COVID-19 Workers Comp Claims
Understanding COVID-19 Workers Comp Claims In Florida, the Workers Compensation system is available to people who are injured or sickened while working at their jobs. Available benefits may include: Past, present and future medical expenses related to work injury or illness Past, present and future lost wages Permanent disability benefits Job retraining services Funeral and...
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firefighter workers compensation
Firefighters, correction and police officers must deal with stressful situations as a regular part of their jobs. As time passes, many of these public servants develop occupational diseases in the course and scope of their duties, Proving that their work conditions were related has always been extremely difficult. Fortunately, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed into...
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injured in company car
What To Do If You Were Injured In Company Car Florida employees who are injured on the job are entitled to pursue workers’ compensation benefits. When people are traveling to and from their company while they are off of the clock however, they are generally not considered to be working. Accordingly, any injuries that happen...
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file a workers’ comp claim
Are You Eligible to File a Workers’ Comp Claim? In Florida, Workers’ Compensation benefits are available to most employees that have suffered an on the job injury or illness. Unfortunately, many such workers are unsure of how to do so. Oftentimes their own boss does not even know. Moreover, others employees have simply had their...
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Workers' Compensation and COVID
Workers’ compensation benefits are available to employees who contract workplace illnesses, however the Florida Workers’ Compensation Act generally does not mandate coverage for people who contract communicable illnesses. Shortly after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic however, some exceptions were made to Florida’s workers’ compensation law to allow essential workers who contracted it at their...
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Law Offices of Evan M. Ostfeld, P.A.
The Coral Springs Professional Campus
5421 N. University Dr, #102
Coral Springs, FL 33067-4638

4528 W. Vickery Blvd.
Ft. Worth, TX 76107

550 Westcott St, #570
Houston, TX 77007-5042

5401 McPherson Rd, #6
Laredo, TX 78041

409 7th St NW
Washington, DC 20004

11811 Shaker Blvd, Ste, #204
Cleveland, OH 44120-1927

1440 W. Taylor St
Chicago, IL 60607

(844) 411-KING     (411-5464)
(954) 227-7529
(954) 998-0075 Text
[email protected]

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